


his works

see and hear his poetry

his prizes

his works translated

he and art

his cd's




Ronny Someck - he and art


Art that was created by him or after his work

  • “The wall of bliss”, The Artist Museum, Lodz (1993)
  • “Jasmine”, Um-El-Fahem Gallery (1996)
  • “A poem of bliss”, Artists-Messengers of peace, Eretz-Israel Museum (1996)
  • “Rosalia", Mini-Arutr, Gubbio, Italy (1997)
  • “The Razor that cut the Metaphoric Face of Poetry” - five etchings by Yigal Ozeri ensuing five poems by Ronny Someck, Tel-Aviv Museum, Binet Gallery, Israel, Z Gallery, New York (1997)
  • “Rosalia - Mini-Arutr”, Gubbio, Italy (1997)
  • "Nature's Factory, Winter 2046", with Benny Efrat, The Israel Museum (1998)
  • “The Ballad of Alcohol Valley”, Haifa International Installation Triennale, Haifa Museum of Art (1999)
  • "Markers", an outdoor banner event of artists an poets for the Venice Biennale (2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009)
  • “Il Rosso Catalogo della Parola Tramonto”, five etchings by Fausta Squatriti ensuing poems by Ronny Someck, Fallani Best Gallery, Firenze ( 2002)
  • "Hawadja Bialik", The Museum of Israeli Art, Ramat-Gan (2004)
  • "Impermanenza", Centro Studi Maitreya, Venezia (2004)
  • "And Next to it, in a Similar Frame" - 15 photographers relating to the poems of Ronny Someck, College of Design, Haifa-Canadian Hadassah Wizo (2005)
  • "Merlo", artist book with Peppe Ferraro, Il Laboratorio di Nola, Napoli (2005)
  • "Il pavimento delle parole", artist book, Il Ragazzo Innocuo, Milano (2005)
  • "Rehal Madrid", The Museum of Israeli Art, Ramat-Gan (2007)
  • "Wandering Library 2", Galerie Cargo 21, Paris (2008)
  • "Mono", Barbur Gallery (2009)
  • "Acqua", artist book - markers 7, Scala Mata Gallery , the 53 Venice Biennale (2009) see the book > here
  • "Tattoo of an Eagle", a group exhibition 100 years of Tel Aviv, a tribute to poet Ronny Someck, Danon Gallery, Tel Aviv (2009)
  • "Pointe Shoes", artist book, Even Hoshen (2009)
  • "Napkin", The Museum of Israeli Art, Ramat-Gan (2010)
  • "Sotto il vulcano", etching by Luciano Ragozzino. Il ragazzo innocuo, Milano (2010)
  • Resonance Boxes - artists transform violin cases. Rubin Museum, Tel Aviv (2010)
  • "Mapping", artist book - markers 8, the 54 Venice Biennale (2011)
  • "My Mistress' Eyes" (Shakespeare's Sonnets bilingual) cover, Safra Books (2011)
  • "Pomegranates", Oded Halahmy (art) and Ronny Someck (poem), limited edition of 150 signed and numbered copies, Pomegranate Gallery Press, New York (2011)
  • "Uncle Salim", Ronny Someck, poem / Amir Cohen, 6 images published by 972ART (2012)
  • Postcard 'God's candy bag', poem: Ronny Someck / photography and jewelry: Oded Halahmy, Pomegranate Gallery NY (2012)
  • The Passion for Shoes, Gallery Gerstein, Tel Aviv (2012)
  • The Boydem Festival, october 2-4, Tel Aviv (2012)
  • Exhibition 'Swan Lake', Museum of Israeli Art Ramat Gan (2012)
  • 'Canto d'amore a un'acrobata del Medrano', Ronny Someck - poem, art - Luciano Ragozzino, Milano, december 2013
  • Exhibition 'Mediterraneo sei tu', Palazzo del Governo, Siracusa, Italy (2013)
  • Exhibition 'Eye Territory', The Diaghilev, Tel Aviv (2013)
  • 'Bagdad mon amour' photomontage for Salah Al Hamdani's poem in the anthologie 'La poésie au coeur des arts 2014'
  • Exhibition 'Ronny Someck Hall of Fame', Museum of Israeli Art Ramat Gan (2014)
  • Ten etchings for the book 'Una casa on vaig estimar algú' by Manuel Forcano (2014)
  • Exhibition 'The Brush of fire, 33 artists and designers in a homage exhibition to poet Ronny Someck', Beit Meirov Art Gallery, Holon (2014)
  • Exhibition 'On ha and Dada', Pavilion 16 at the Orient Fair, Yarid ha’Mizrach, Tel Aviv (2014)
  • Art sale 'Bread and Roses 10', Shenkar College, Elit Building Jabotinski 8 Ramat Gan (2015)
  • 'Hunger Rush', seven etchings and seven poems, edition: 30 + 3 A.P + 2 P.P, Gottesman Etching Center Publication - Kibbutz Cabri (2015)
  • Exhibition 'DADA 100', the Janco-Dada Museum, Hacarmel (2016)
  • Exhibition 'The Kiss of Poetry', Kibbuzim College of education technology & arts, Tel Aviv (2016)
  • Exhibition 'Objects Poetry', Vitrina Gallery at the faculty of design in Holon Institute of Technology (2016)
  • Exhibition 'Beautiful Knowledge' presented in Van Leer Jerusalem Institute. Curator is Avi Muller (2016)
  • Exhibition 'Ronny Someck Hall of Fame 2', Museum of Israeli Art Ramat Gan (2016)
  • Exhibition 'Two Times Chai - Thirty-six Jewish and Israeli poets and writers from the 20th century', Beit Avi Chai, Jerusalem (2016)
  • Exhibition 'Doom's Path, Winter 2065' by Benni Efrat. The installation 'The last tiger requiem', Petach Tikva Museum of Art (2018)
  • Exhibition 'Jacques Brel and Friends', Interpôle ASBL, Rue Locquenghien 12, 1000 Brussels (2018)
  • Exhibition 'Talking Heads', The Kibbuzim College of Education Technology & Arts, Tel Aviv (2018)
  • Exhibition 'Hang 'em High', Zemack Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv (2018)
  • Exhibition 'My Hebrew Hall of Fame', Cymbalista Synagogue and Jewish Heritage Center. Tel Aviv University (2018)
  • Exhibiton ´Ronny Someck - Hall of Fame´, Maison Blanche, Marseille (2018)
  • Exhibition 'Text tailor', Azul Gallery, Tel Aviv (2018)
  • Exhibition 'Más que mil palabras...' (=More than a thousand words...), Centro Cultural Bella Época, Mexico (2018)
  • Exhibition 'Prisoner Camp' with the artist Shahar Sarig, Kibbuzim College of Education, Technology & Art, Tel Aviv (2019)
  • Exhibition 'The international plain notebook project Tabula Rasa', a group exhibition, curator Dr. Guy Morag Tsapelevich, Gallery on the cliff, Natenya (2019)
  • Exhibition 'Face of man', Bar Ilan univercity faculty of Jewish Studies, Ramat-Gan (2019)
  • Notes - Artists play with music sheets. Selling exhibition at the Rubin Museum in Tel Aviv (2019)
  • Group exhibition 'C.O.L.D.A.S.S', The Janco-Dada Museum Ein Hod (2019)
  • Exhibition 'Lea G', paintings by Lea Goldberg and Ronny Someck, Mishkenot Sha'ananim, Jerusalem (2020)
  • Exhibition ‘Poems in Black Ink’, Rali Museums Caesarea, Israël (2020)
  • Ronny Someck (poem) and Ahmad Alaa Eddin (illustration) - Sull'occhio della tempesta (Libri Del Merlo 2020)


Covers made by Ronny Someck

  • Cover of the book 'West Wind' by Ziva Shamir (2008)
  • Cover of the book 'Arlekino' by Ziva Shamir (2010)
  • Cover of the book 'Primrose' by Ziva Shamir (2012)
  • Cover of the book 'Preludes' by Uri Hollander (2013)
  • Cover of the book 'New Articles about Kafka' (2013)
  • Cover of the book 'Barrack 6' cd by Avi Alias (2013)
  • Cover to the book 'The melancholic Joker' by Haim Nagid (2014)
  • Cover to the book 'Regina Jonas' by Maria Teresa Milano (2014)
  • Cover to the book 'Celestial melodies - Seven essays on the poetry and poeties of Lea Goldbrerg' by Ziva Shamir (2014)
  • Cover to the book 'Letters to the Invisible observers -the book of the "Bet-Ariela" workshop' by 16 young writers (2014)
  • Cover to the book 'Bialik Chapters' by Natan Goren (2014)
  • Cover to 'Hmisdaron' (= 'the corridor'), a magazine of poetry and art no. 1 (2014)
  • Cover to the book 'Not a simple story' by Ziva Shamir (2015)
  • Cover to 'Hmisdaron' (= 'the corridor'), a magazine of poetry and art no. 3 (2016)
  • Cover to the book 'Albert Camus and the critique of violence' by David Ohana (2016)
  • Cover to the book 'The other Parnassus' by Michaël Parienté (2017)
  • Cover to the book 'Terezin' by Maria Tereza Milano (2017)
  • Cover to the book 'Scrambled Eggs in Jerusalem' poems by Dorit Weisman (2017)
  • Cover to the book 'Crown of Thorns' by Nurit Govrin and Raquel Stepak (2017)
  • Cover to Gag literary periodical (2017)
  • Cover to the magazine of poetry Nanopoética (2017). This issue is dedicated to Allen Ginsberg.
  • Cover to the book 'Zionism: A Levinasian View, Identity, Ethics, Responsibility' by Hanoch Ben-Pazi (2017)
  • Cover to the literary magazine 'Iton77' (2018)
  • Cover to the book 'The drummers circle' by Tsipi Sharor (2018)
  • Cover to 'Mozenayim' literary journal (2018)
  • Cover to 'Murdered the poetry - the book of the Bet-Ariela workshop' by 9 young writers (2018)
  • Cover to the literary magazine 'Iton77' issue november 2018 (2018)
  • Cover of Shvilim, magazine of poetry (2019)
  • Cover to the book 'The Basic Cause for the Change in Wittgenstein's Philosophy' by Moshe Mensahof (2019)
  • Cover to the book 'Is it necessary to assume the Unconscious?' by Moshe Mensahof (2019)
  • Cover to the literary magazine 'Iton77' (2019)
  • Cover to the book 'Shrunked Dreams' by Sarah Malul (2019)
  • Cover to the book 'The obscure bible abook about saint John Perse' by Judith Kopenhagen Urian (2021)
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses' (2021)
  • Cover to Mozenayim Literary Journal (2021)
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses' (2021)
  • Cover to the book 'Politics, what's the point' (2021)
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The title is Taboo September (2021)
  • Cover to the magazine 'Salon es refuses'. The title is Coexistence (2021)
  • Cover to the december magazine of 'Salon Es Refuses'. The title is Magic (2021)
  • Cover to the february poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The title is Soul (2022)
  • Cover to the december poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The title is Beyond (2022)
  • Cover to the march poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The title is No War (2022)
  • Cover to the book '70 Poems plus one' - poems from the students of Ronny Someck's workshop
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The title is Beyond 2 (2022)
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Se questo è un uomo' (2022)
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Time' (2022)
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Cinema' (2022)
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Rooms' (2022)
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Types' (2022)
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Orphanhood' (2022)
  • Cover to the book of Revital Berger Shloman
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Passion' (2022)
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Survival' (2022)
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Anxiety' (2022)
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Music' (2022)
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Autumn' (2022)
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Sickness' (2022)
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Iranian women' (2022)
  • Cover to the literary magazine 'Iton77' (2022)
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Poison' (2022)
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Childhood' (2022)
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Betrayal' (2022)
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Suicide' (2023)
  • Cover to the magazine 'Makor Rishon' (2023)
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Homeland' (2023)
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Resistance' (2023)
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Justice' (2023)
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Freedom' (2023)
  • Cover to the book 'The Story of Bonnie and Clyde' by Bonnie Parker (2023)
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Suitcase' (2023)
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Stories' (2023)
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Silence' (2023)
  • Cover to the book 'Brel' by Ran Yagil (2023)
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Chaos' (2023)
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'God' (2023)
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Night' (2023)
  • Cover to the book 'Camus' by Ran Yagil (2023)
  • Cover for the poetry magazin Iton77 (2023)
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Wrath' (2024)
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Borders' (2024)
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Addiction' (2024)
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Monsters' (2024)
  • Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Bird' (2024)

CD-cover made by Ronny Someck

  • 'Hammers', cd of Ronen Shapira (2011)





Art that was created by him or after his work


Jasmine (1996)   The Razor that cut the Metaphoric Face of Poetry (1997)   Rosalia (1997)   Nature's Factory, Winter 2046 (1998)   Hawadja Bialik (2004)
And Next to it, in a Similar Frame (2005)   Merlo (2005)   Il pavimento delle parole (2005)   Rehal Madrid (2007)   Mono (2009)
Acqua (2009)
See the book > here
  Tattoo of an Eagle (2009)   Pointe Shoes (2009)
See some pages and the film 'Making of'> here
  Napkin (2010)   Sotto il vulcano (2010)
Resonance Boxes (2010)   Mapping (2011)   My Mistress' Eyes (2011)   Pomegranates (2011)   Uncle Salim (2012)
See the book > here
God's candy bag (2012)
Read the poem > here

The Passion for Shoes (2012)
See the catalogue > here
Read the poem > here


The Boydem Festival (2012)
Read the article > here

  Exhibition 'Swan Lake', Museum of Israeli Art Ramat Gan (2012)
See the cataloque > here
  Canto d'amore a un'acrobata del Medrano (2013)
See some pages > here
Exhibition 'Mediterraneo sei tu'
Palazzo del Governo in Siracusa, Italy (2013)
See the cataloque > here

Exhibition 'Eye Territory'
The Diaghilev, Tel Aviv (2013)


Bagdad mon amouir (2014)

  Exhibition 'Ronny Someck Hall of Fame'
Museum of Israeli Art Ramat Gan (2014)
See the cataloque > here Some pictures of the opening > here
  Ten etchings for the book 'Una casa on vaig estimar algú' by Manuel Forcano (2014)
See the etchings > here
Exhibition 'The Brush of fire, 33 artists and designers in a homage exhibition to poet Ronny Someck'
Beit Meirov Art Gallery, Holon
Some pictures > here

Exhibition 'On ha and Dada'
Pavilion 16 at the Orient Fair, Yarid ha’Mizrach, Tel Aviv (2014)


Art sale 'Bread and Roses 10', Shenkar College, Elit Building Jabotinski 8 Ramat Gan (2015)

  'Hunger Rush' (2015)
See the seven etchings and poems > here
See the exhibition > here
See the invitiation > here
  Exhibiton 'DADA 100', the Janco-Dada Museum, Hacarmel (2016)
See Ronny Someck's contribution > here
See the invitation > here
More information > here

Exhibition 'The Kiss of Poetry' (2016)
Kibbuzim College of education technology & arts, Tel Aviv
See the invitation > here
See the catalogue > here


Exhibition 'Objects Poetry' (2016)
Vitrina Gallery at the faculty of design in Holon Institute of Technology
Information about the exhibition > here
Read the poem 'Napkin' > here


Exhibition 'Beautiful Knowledge' (2016).
Presented in Van Leer Jerusalem Institute. Curator is Avi Muller.
See information, the poem and some pictures > here


Exhibition 'Ronny Someck Hall of Fame 2'
Museum of Israeli Art Ramat Gan (2016)
See the invitation > here
See the cataloque > here
Read an interview in Maariv > here
See an interview on tv > here


Exhibition 'Two Times Chai - Thirty-six Jewish and Israeli poets and writers from the 20th century', Beit Avi Chai, Jerusalem (2016)
See the catalogue > here
See poster 1 > here
See poster 2 > here
See a picture outside the museum > here
See the brochure > here
See the cover of the magazine Makor Rishon
18-11-2016 > here
See some pictures of the opening > here
See him on IBA television (after 45.40 min.) > here
and on Channel 10 > here
Interview Jerusalem Post > here


Exhibition 'Doom's Path, Winter 2065' by Benni Efrat. The installation 'The last tiger requiem', Petach Tikva Museum of Art (2018)
See a preview > here
Read the poem on the wall in English > here
More information > here
See some pictures > here


Exhibition 'Jacques Brel and Friends', Interpôle ASBL, Rue Locquenghien 12, 1000 Brussels (2018)


Exhibition 'Talking Heads', The Kibbuzim College of Education Technology & Arts, Tel Aviv (2018)
See the catalogue > here


Exhibition 'Hang 'em High', Zemack Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv (2018)
See the invitation > here
See some pictures of the opening > here


Exhibition 'My Hebrew Hall of Fame', Cymbalista Synagogue and Jewish Heritage Center. Tel Aviv University (2018)
See some pictures of the opening > here

  Ronny Someck Azul Gallery     Ronny Someck - Prisoner camp  

Exhibiton ´Ronny Someck - Hall of Fame´, Maison Blanche, Marseille (2018)
More information and some pictures > here


Exhibition 'Text tailor', Azul Gallery, Tel Aviv (2018)


Exhibition 'Más que mil palabras...' (=More than a thousand words...), Centro Cultural Bella Época, Mexico (2018)

  Exhibition 'Prisoner Camp' with the artist Shahar Sarig, Kibbuzim College of Education, Technology & Art, Tel Aviv (2019)


Exhibition 'The international plain notebook project Tabula Rasa', a group exhibition, curator Dr. Guy Morag Tsapelevich, Gallery on the cliff, Natenya (2019)

Ronny Someck - Face of Man     Ronny Someck - Coldass   Ronny Someck Lea G  

Exhibition 'Face of man', Bar Ilan univercity faculty of Jewish Studies, Ramat-Gan (2019)


Notes - Artists play with music sheets
Selling exhibition at the Rubin Museum in Tel Aviv (2019)


Group exhibition 'C.O.L.D.A.S.S', The Janco-Dada Museum Ein Hod (2019)


Exhibition 'Lea G', paintings by Lea Goldberg and Ronny Someck, Mishkenot Sha'ananim, Jerusalem (2020)


Exhibition ‘Poems in Black Ink’, Rali Museums Caesarea, Israël (2020)
See the catalogue > here

Ronny Someck - Face of Man                

Ronny Someck (poem) and Ahmad Alaa Eddin (Illustration) - Sull'occhio della tempesta (Libri Del Merlo 2020)













Covers made by Ronny Someck


Cover of the book
'West Wind'
by Ziva Shamir (2008)
  Cover of the book
'Arlekino' by Ziva Shamir (2010)
  Cover of the book 'Primrose' by Ziva Shamir (2012)   Cover of the book
by Uri Hollander (2013)
  Cover of the book
'New Articles about Kafka' (2013)
Cover of the book 'Barrack 6' by Avi Alias (2013)   Cover of the book
"The melancholic Joker'
by Haim Nagid (2014)
  Cover to the book 'Regina Jonas' by Maria Teresa Milano (2014)   Cover to the book 'Celestial melodies - Seven essays on the poetry and poeties of Lea Goldbrerg' by Ziva Shamir (2014)   Cover to the book
'Letters to the Invisible observers -the book of the "Bet-Ariela" workshop' by 16 young writers (2014)
Cover to the book
'Bialik Chapters' by Natan Goren (2014)
  Cover to 'Hmisdaron' (= 'the corridor'), a magazine of poetry and art no. 1 (2014)   Cover to the book
'Not a simple story' by Ziva Shamir (2015)
  Cover to 'Hmisdaron' (= 'the corridor'), a magazine of poetry and art no. 3 (2016)   Cover to the book 'Albert Camus and the critique of violence' by David Ohana (2016)
Cover to the book 'The other Parnassus' by Michaël Parienté (2017)   Cover to the book 'Terezin' by Maria Tereza Milano (2017)   Cover to the book 'Scrambled Eggs in Jerusalem' poems by Dorit Weisman (2017)   Cover to the book 'Crown of Thorns' by Nurit Govrin and Raquel Stepak (2017)   Cover to Gag literary periodical (2017)
Cover to the magazine of poetry Nanopoética (2017). This issue is dedicated to Allen Ginsberg.   Cover to the book 'Zionism: A Levinasian View, Identity, Ethics, Responsibility' by Hanoch Ben-Pazi (2017)   Cover to the literary magazine 'Iton77' (2018)   Cover to the book 'The drummers circle' by Tsipi Sharor (2018)   Cover to 'Mozenayim' literary journal (2018)
  Ronny Someck - cover Iton 77 nov 2018     Moshe Mensahof   Ronny Someck - is it necessary
Murdered the poetry - the book of the Bet-Ariela workshop by 9 young writers (2018)   Cover to the literary magazine 'Iton77' issue november 2018 (2018)   Cover of Shvilim, magazine of poetry (2019)   Cover to the book 'The Basic Cause for the Change in Wittgenstein's Philosophy' by Moshe Mensahof (2019)   Cover to the book 'Is it necessary to assume the Unconscious?' by Moshe Mensahof (2019)
    Judith Kopenhagen Urian    
Cover to the literary magazine 'Iton77' (2019)   Cover to the book 'Shrunked Dreams' by Sarah Malul (2019)   Cover to the book 'The obscure bible abook about saint John Perse' by Judith Kopenhagen Urian (2021)   Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses' (2021)   Cover to Mozenayim Literary Journal 2021
      coexistence   coexistence
Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses' (2021)   Cover to the book 'Politics, what's the point' (2021)   Cover to the poetry magazine Salon des Refuses. The title is Taboo September (2021)   Cover to the magazine 'Salon Es Refuses'. The title is Coexistence (2021)   Cover to the december magazine of 'Salon Es Refuses'. The title is Magic (2021)
      Ronny Someck - 70 poems plus one  
Cover to the february poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The title is Soul (2022)   Cover to the december poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The title is Beyond (2022)   Cover to the march poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The title is No War (2022)   Cover to the book '70 Poems plus one' - poems from the students of Ronny Someck's workshop   Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The title is Beyond 2 (2022)
Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Se questo è un uomo' (2022)  
Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Time' (2022)
Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Time' (2022)
Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Rooms' (2022)
Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Types' (2022)
Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Orphanhood' (2022)  
Cover to the book of Revital Berger Shloman


Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Passion' (2022)
Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Survival' (2022)
Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Anxiety' (2022)
Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Music' (2022)  
Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Autumn' (2022)


Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Sickness' (2022)
Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Iranian Women' (2022)
  Iton 77
Cover to the literary magazine 'Iton77' (2022)
Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Poison' (2022)  
Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Childhood' (2022)


Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Betrayal' (2022)
Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Suicide' (2023)
Cover to the magazine 'Makor Rishon' (2023)
Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Homeland' (2023)  
Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Resistance' (2023)


Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Justice' (2023)
Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Freedom' (2023)
Cover to the book 'The Story of Bonnie and Clyde' by Bonnie Parker (2023)
Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Suitcase' (2023)  
Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Suitcase' (2023)


Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Silence' (2023)
Cover to the book 'Brel' by Ran Yagil (2023)
Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Chaos' (2023)
Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'God' (2023)  
Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Night' (2023)


Cover to the book 'Camus' by Ran Yagil (2023)
Cover for the poetry magazin Iton77 (2023)
  Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Wrath' (2024)

Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Borders' (2024)


Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Addiction' (2024)


Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Monsters' (2024)


Cover to the poetry magazine 'Salon des Refuses'. The subject is 'Bird' (2024)





CD-cover made by Ronny Someck


'Hammers' by Ronen Shapira (2011)